If your not feeling Christmas in your heart~

If you haven’t sent cards this year, or planned the perfect gifts.
If you don’t have the perfect tree or the perfect family, for a perfect festive photograph.
It’s okay.
If you don’t feel like watching your favourite Christmas movies,
and you can’t source the energy to be merry and bright.
That’s perfectly okay too.
No one should be measuring your ‘festive’.
It must not become a badge of honour.
Just hang on in there, finding any joy you can, in any little way.
And remove guilt and pressure, from your already overloaded Christmas list.
Because no matter how sparkly your advent, you can feel the sentiments of the season.
Your way.
Peace, love and goodwill to all.

Kristin posted this on her Facebook page and it pretty much sums up how I feel this season. You see, mom would make a really nice Christmas. She would bake and decorate and somehow the season felt really nice and I always looked forward to it. Growing up and being the one in charge of making Christmas sparkle for everyone has become a bit of a bore. I want my mom and dad back and I want the Christmases of the past.
Yesterday, I ventured out to Walmart and bought a twinkling little tree. I put it up in the loving room and I love how the light illuminates the whole room. White lights are my favorite and they perk me up.

I made lasagna for dinner and went on a short walk with Brent.
Brent and Noelle have bought a house and will be moving out in a few months when their house is finished. I pray for them as they are a young couple that will need to continue to work hard for their house payment and daily living expenses.

The Christmas season, with all its glamour and warm lights is hard for some people. I will work on loving this season for Kinsley. She makes me smile and I know the magic in her eyes will be priceless.
20 days until Christmas. Smile Susan smile.


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