The family room warm lights~

Up way too early, couldn't sleep, had a stuffy nose so I got up and
took a decongestant.  Tried to go back to bed, but Sunny sounded like she
was going to throw up so at 3:30, I ventured out to the family room and
made my coffee and enjoyed it before I realized Brent was on the 
living room couch.  Some nights are like that.
Too much going on in my mind, can't breathe and just not sleepy anymore.
I sit here with the dogs on my lap and savor the warmth of the beautiful 
Christmas lights.
The dishwasher is running and the furnace is on, but the lights
somehow make the morning seem not so early.
I will continue to sew today, head to Hobby Lobby and TJ Maxx, and
get last minute decorations up.
13 days til Christmas...where did this year go.



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