A frozen day and play dough~

Yesterday the temps were so cold all the dogs froze while going to potty and poop.
Max got so cold Brent had to go get him.
With only socks on, he braved the -10 degrees and picked Max up and
carried him inside.
Sunny and Augie did the same.

Little Boo was a hoot today.  So happy and so fun.
I love this little girl with all my heart.

I made her play dough so we could kill some time while I made rolls.
She loved it.

Poking it and smashing it were 2 of her favorite things to do with it.

She took a great morning nap and a good afternoon nap.
Today (Friday) she goes to day care.

Christmas rolls are made and in the freezer for Christmas Eve dinner.

She watched Frozen on her rocking horse.  
I think there is a theme here with the cold and frozen day.

We found her mittens and she wore them all afternoon around the house.
She even ate her cookie with them on.
My heart is full!

I made chicken tetrazzini for dinner with some left over rolls.
Noelle picked up another shift at Ulta, and I had another weird night of sleep.
Missing mom and dad and Christmases from the past.
Here's to a couple more days of cold weather.



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