Make everyday special~

Tough night sleep last night.  Couldn't turn the voices off in my head.
I did however have a light bulb moment about happiness and
living my life to its fullest.
I woke up before midnight and probably fell back to sleep
around 1:00am.  I will make the most of today.

I made sugar cookies and a taco casserole.  The dough is in the freezer and the 
casserole was a hit.  

I have been thinking a lot about everything and I came to the conclusion that
what I am doing here on earth is exactly where I need to 
be right now.  Not to change the world, but to just live in the moment
and learn from everything and everyone.
Then if God feels the need for me to teach others, he will give me the 
resources to do so.

I miss the family gatherings so much this time of year.
I miss the Christmas snow and the warm feelings you get this time of year.
I will create my own warm feelings in the house and give others
the Christmas spirit.
I scored at the fabric store yesterday!  I now have lots of Christmas fabric
to carry me into the next few years.  Yay!!!



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