Kinsley, Christmas tree and Santa~

We got a new dog bed for the dachshunds and Kinsley seems to love it also.
It was a good day on Tuesday.  She took a good morning nap, got up and had a little
lunch and then we ventured out to the ARC to get a few fun things.
4 books, Elmo and a Santa later we were back home and ready for
nap #2 at 2:00.

You have to be fast taking pictures of this little one.
She is on the move and never sits still.
I think I captured her personality in these pictures.

Saying Ho Ho HO after looking at the Santa book.

Kristin gave her a little Santa to hang on the tree.  The mouth opens and
Kinsley loves it.

I's going to bite your finger.

Oh sweet angel, grammy loves you so much.

In other news...Max and the dachshunds play all the time.
Augie loves to wrestle with him and Sunny loves to clean his mouth.

It's always fun at the Wells Zoo.



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