The path might not be my path~

I had a moment this morning when the gal on the hallmark movie said
she was tired of chasing her path.
I am pretty sure it meant that we need to stop worrying about what and
where are path is to lead us and we are to live day to day, in the
moment of the life we have, right before our very eyes.
I was caught up in the same feelings in the fall.  Wondering what
god had planned for me and what path I was supposed to be going down.
I need to realize in these last few days of 2022 that the path I am on
right now is the path I am supposed to be on.
I have the privilege to watch Kinsley and be not only her care giver,
but her grammy and that is my super path.
I have no idea what 2023 is going to bring.  I will just have faith that my
health and wealth will be good.
I will not find a word for 2023 or a phrase, I will just be.
I will continue to pray over my children, my spouse, my dogs, my friends 
and the rest of my family.
I will look forward to the surprises that are going to happen in this next year.
No new year resolutions for this girl. 



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