Merry Christmas 2022~

Christmas morning, very quiet, listening to Christmas music,
I sat and had coffee with mom and dad.
First year without both of them.
I pray they were in heaven having coffee and coffee cake.
Maybe even some sausage from Kansas.
I miss our little family gatherings, but I don't miss the mess they make...ha.

We gathered at Drew's house and had a wonderful breakfast.
Lots of food and lots of barking.
Max, Ellie, Zoey...thank God we didn't bring the dachshunds. 

I can't tell them apart.  Zoey loves attention and Ellie is sweet and mellow.

I think this is Ellie.

Ellie in the back and Zoey in the front.

The beautiful tree.

A beautiful family picture to remember the morning.
Loved Drew and Hannah's matching jammies, they were so festive.
Brent and Noelle drove to the Springs to spend the rest of the day with Noelle's
Thankful again the the weather was beautiful.  
The really cold temps are long gone and it's going to be nice all week.
Merry Christmas 2022~



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