Thursday in the deep freeze~

I love when she lets me keep her on my lap.
She watched PBS until it was time to take a nap.

We were able to go to the park and play for a little while until the wind acted up
and I was ready to go back home.

I just love when she plays peek a boo in the tunnel.

With gram cracker in hand, she played and played.

I made homemade pizza for dinner.  Haven't done that in awhile.
I also ventured out to Walmart to grab a few items for baking and cooking. was so busy and the shelves were starting to clear out.

They called for a dusting of snow for this morning (Thursday), but
we got about 5 to 6 inches on very cold snow on the ground.
I shoveled a path for the dogs and Brent shoveled the front.
It's about -11 out right now...yikes.



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