Lasagna, the park, moving through the season and day care for Kinsley~

She was a good girl yesterday.  She went down for a nap around 9:00 and slept until a little
after 10.  Went to the park thinking it was nice outside and the wind
made it very cool, but that didn't stop her from having a great time.

Got home and heated her up some lasagna for lunch.  She used 2 hands to eat it.
Some days I can't get enough of this little girl.
She is happy all the time.  Loves to look at books and loves to sing.
My heart if full.

With her wacky hair flying freely in the kitchen, she makes me laugh.
Later that afternoon, she took 2 Christmas glass bulbs and hit them together.
Found out that they shatter upon impact...with a quick hand off to papa,
I vacuumed the glass up and moved the glass balls to the top half of the tree.

When her daddy came and picked her up, he informed us that she will be
going to day care on Monday and Fridays.
I am ok with this as she needs to be with other little kids to learn and grow.

19 months on the 3rd of December.  This is going fast.

I have felt a little off this season.  Wanting Christmas to be oh so special,
it's not happening.
I quietly internalize the feeling and try to move on.
Last night, I woke up around 11pm and thought too much.
I finally  got back to sleep and woke up feeling much better about things.
I pray to god to help me move through this.
Things that are always on my mind,
house...and so on.



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