Breakfast with Kent and a day with Kristin~

Friday I had the nicest breakfast with Kent at the Delectable Egg.
Got a text from Kristin and she wanted to know if I wanted to 
come to Longmont and walk around the lake and have lunch...
Score!!!  After breakfast I drove up and had a wonderful
chat with her and a really nice walk around the lake.
It was a little bit cool, but the sun was out 
and the wind was nice and it was a great 3 mile walk.

We had lunch from Wendy's, chili and a peppermint frosty.
Things are so dry and beige in our area.  The mountains at one time were very vivid
until the little cloud cover came and covered them up.
It''s always nice to reconnect and chat.  Haven't seen her since the Alzheimer's 
walk on Oct. 1st. 

Today, Kent and I will drive Drew and baby K to Loveland to get shotgun
shells.  Drew leaves next weekend for Kansas to hunt with
some friends.
Kinsley has her first day at daycare and poor baby has a lot
to learn about rules and routines.
She is smart and will catch on very quickly.
I love that little peanut.



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