A good night's sleep~

I finally slept last night.
I hit this pillow early and stayed asleep until 5:30 this morning.
It rained last night and the patio was wet when I let the dogs out.
We are headed to Colorado Springs this morning to 
have brunch with the kids.

Yesterday was a kick back, bake cookies and watch movie day.
I am winding down from 3 weeks of prepping this house
for showing and selling.
We went under contract on Friday night and I think my body and
mind were ready for a rest.

Dave Bollig came over yesterday and visited for about an hour.
Michele is in West Virginia visiting her grands, and Dave's umpire games
got canceled so he stopped by to see if the rumor about selling the house was true.
We had a very nice visit.
I guess the wedding was a super spreader for Covid as 10 people came
down sick on the return trip.

I watched a couple of movies and shut my eyes in the recliner.
We had steak and baked potatoes for dinner and it was lights
out for me at 7:45.

Today we head to the springs to see Brent and Noelle and have brunch.
We will unload Kent's truck of treasures and
enjoy a day with Noelle's parents.

Happy Mother's Day to me.  The boys have brought me so much
joy throughout the past 30 years.
I love them so much.



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