Monday, Kinsley at the park x2, house appraisal, early morning wakeup...

Today is the day, don't forget that.
Go out and make the most of it.
You woke up early, too early and sat outside and petted Scrappy.
Life has given you so much to be thankful for.
Express your gratitude and go out and make someone else's
life good.  
Treasure it all.

Susan...this is a good reminder.  Take good care of yourself.

I just love my Mondays and Fridays with baby K.
She makes me smile and for that I am very grateful.

Mammy's cookies are the best.  She is a great taste tester.

She watched Trash Truck on Netflix and was really interested in it.

We had to be out of the house for awhile yesterday morning so we 
ventured to a park behind King Soopers.
Kinsley loves to swing so while I walked the dogs, papa did the swinging.
He also talked to every gram and nanny that were also by the swings.

She didn't go down the slide, but she did enjoy going up the stairs.

After her nap and some lunch, we went on a walk to the park.
Walked by the school and it looked like they were having a field day 
or maybe just end of school year kick ball.
I just love the sounds of kids playing on the playground.

She sat for me on her favorite rock and I was able to get 2 pictures of her.
She ventured back to the playground and played side by side 
with 2 little boys.
This girl loves to be outside.
Boy do I love her!!!



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