Friday was a good day~

She was in the best mood yesterday.
She came in asking for pa pop and was happy and funny the rest of the day.
I think she is much better when her mommy and daddy aren't traveling and
she has both of them at home.
The sky was thick with smoke yesterday from the fires in Canada.
We ventured out to TJ Max for a yoga mat, but it was hard to 
breathe in the thick smoke so we stayed inside for the 
rest of the day.

We played with dice and things we could find around the house that
haven't been packed.  Creativity...that's the name of the game.

She sat in the chair and let me take pictures of her.
She actually smiled on command and that was a first.
Usually she is squirmy and wants down, but she sat.

I played keep away with her binky and she laughed.
I was so happy to see her laugh.

I turned on the Land Before Time and she watched about
10 minutes of it before she got bored.
Baby steps...Drew and Brent loved this movie, maybe she will too.

Found this and wanted to live by it in the future.
It's always good to remember to have gratitude for everything, morning, noon and
Today, I will help Drew plant his Kinsley tree.
It is smokey again, but maybe it won't be as bad today.
The plumber comes to fix some pipes.
Things are moving right along in selling the house.
Happy Saturday~

Brent called and asked if they could have the red couch and chair.
I am so happy it is going home with them.  It's a great couch.
They will put it in their flex room and make a home theatre down there.
I am always so happy when I know my things will be loved by 

Found this today on it and will live by it.



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