Mother's Day bouquets and little peanut on a Monday~

Flowers and dragonfly from Brent and Noelle.
I had one pitcher left out from packing and it was a blessing to 
put the flowers in it.
Noelle made the dragonfly and it is so pretty.  I will hang it with the stars
in our new house.

I also got a pretty bouquet from Drew and Hannah and Kinsley.
Such a cute vase and the flowers are so fresh.
It was a lovely Mother's Day .

Little peanut enjoyed her day at our house.  Since all of our toys are packed
away for the move, she finds things in the house that entertain her.
Yesterday it was the back roller.

She loved putting the ends in her mouth.

Silly girl.

The inspector came yesterday and arrived at 1:30 for a 2:00 appointment. 
Thank goodness we were packing up the dogs and Kinsley early 
so we didn't run into him.
We will get a call today about what he found.

We spent the afternoon at Drew's house and ordered pizza for dinner.
This whole move process is overwhelming sometimes.
I long for peace and quiet and not conversation all the time about house things.
I retreated to the bedroom at 7:00 last night and just vegged out 
and scrolled on social media.
Today I get my hair trimmed.  Haven't done that since Feb.
I will also go through the basement again and load Kent's truck up
with more donation things.
I am ready for a clean pallet.



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