Decide today and never look back~

I had a moment last night when I decided that enough was enough with my
tension headaches.  I will throw them away and start fresh 
with my feelings for the day.
I have suffered enough with them and have missed out on many things and
moments so off they go.
The headaches started in 2019.  A combination of moving mom and dad
to assisted living and changes in my life.  There was the marriage of Drew 
and Hannah and the loss of a job (mom's day out).
I had gotten a really bad cold, one that left me with a sinus infection
and things really escalated from there.
In December of 2019, I got another cold, right after Christmas and boy was it 
another bad one.
January of 2020 I went to the PA with a good sinus infection so back 
on antibiotics I went.
Covid was to hit the world months later, but Kristin thinks that I probably
had covid before it was even in our area.
We spent the better park of Jan. and Feb cleaning out mom and dad's house.
Throwing away things, donating lots of things and moving stuff was
exhausting .  I am pretty sure my stress level was an 11 out of 10, maybe 
even higher.
Mom and dad were still alive at the time and my thoughts went back to 
wondering what they would think knowing we were giving away most if not 
all of their stuff.
I thought at the time I was being strong, but I look back now and I know that
was not the case.  I really wanted to curl up and die and not face
the job of cleaning out and selling the house, but I couldn't.

Not only was my health now good that year, but the loss of Cheri in Feb. was 
more than I could handle.  She was found dead in her house one morning.  She never 
answered her phone and Mark her son came to Denver and found her
dead in her family room.
The covid virus was starting to grow and things were being shut down the middle of 
The tv news was about death and dying and was awful.
We were sheltering in our house for what we thought would be a few weeks.
That turned into a few months and then a year.
No rec center, no eating out, no friends over, just lots of isolation.
I lost other friends and family in 2020.
Annie Vawter died in August and we had to clean out her house.
It was an awful year that turned into another awful year 2021.
Things were not getting back to normal.
I guess you could say I tried to find the silver lining in all of it, but I didn't.
Drew and Hannah found out they were pregnant in October and had
Kinsley on May 3, 2021.  She was just what I needed at that time.

It is now 2023 and we are prepping to move into our new home.
The stress has been through the roof again.
Bottom line, I don't handle stress very with that being said, it is
time to get my life back and do yoga again.  I will start with YouTube yoga 
and work my way up.
I will also start walking again and clearing my head.
Enough is enough and I need to take better care of myself cause 
no one else is going to.



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