Columbine and Sunny and Augie~

Oh my goodness, the smoke has finally cleared and the sky is blue again.
My Columbine are in full bloom and to be honest, this is my favorite flower
of all.  I will have lots of new ones in our new house.

I sat outside with Sunny and Augie in the afternoon.
They love the sun and love laying in it.
This is Sunny's favorite place to lay.

Sunny is such a pretty girl, full of spunk and so fun.

I sat them down in the grass and got a nice picture of Augie and Sunny by the
memory garden.  I wish I could take some flowers with me, but
I will probably leave them here for the new home owners.
Sunny and Augie are the best.  I would take a few more if I knew they
would be as loving and sweet as these 2.
Today is Friday and I have Kinsley.  The weather is beautiful and we 
will be out in it having a good time.
The rain might come again this afternoon, but I don't mind as long
as it's not hail.

Beautiful flowers and angel in the background.



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