Here's to a successful closing of the house~

Yesterday the 30th we were supposed to close on the house, but there are a few things
left to fix in the house and KB homes didn't want to sign off
on everything soooooo...we will close today.

It's ok cause I had Nan from Windovango come and measure for blinds
in the house.  What a nice lady!!!
We had a nice chat about blinds, life and stuff.
I went ahead and ordered them and dropped a check off to 
the store in the afternoon.

Kent and I went to lunch at the Delectable Egg and I could tell that
this whole moving process and paying for lots of stuff is 
getting to him.  I get it!!!
Purging the basement was not easy and now the moving begins
and we will move truck loads into the new house in the next few days.

The cost of moving in amazing.  Things you don't think about when
you buy a new house.  wow!!!
The blinds should be in  in a few weeks.  In the mean time, we will have some
paper ones installed and live with those for awhile . 

I have been fighting a little cold.  Not sure if I got it from Kristin or Kinsley, but
I have lots of snot and sneezes and cough.  It started on Sunday and I am 
ready for it to leave my body. gone.

Walk through is today at 10 and then the closing at 11, and then we will have a new
house to decorate.
Thank you god and Joseph for helping with this move.
Thank you mom and dad for having a big part in buying this new house.
Thank you Kent for working so hard that we can have this house.
Thank you Drew and Hannah for letting us know about this house.
Thank you Brent and Noelle for understanding about moving close to Kinsley.
Thank you Kristin for helping with the basement.
Thank you Oma and opa for also being a big part of this move.
Without all the people in my life, non of this would be possible.
I am truly understanding that life is what you make it and for now
I am making it fun, really fun.



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