Saturday morning with little boo~

This little toot was up early on Saturday morning.  She went to be early so 
it wasn't a surprise that she would be up at 6:00am.
I brought her down in her jammies and she sat with me in the chair
for a little while.  I then made her breakfast and changed her clothes.
Here she is watching Mickey Mouse.  Such a sweet girl.

She found her headphones in her suitcase and wanted to wear them
First I put them on her and then she put them on.
Here daddy came around 8:30 to pick her up and her mommy came later.
Drew cleaned out the fridge and Kinsley had more Mac and cheese.

Kent and I walked the dogs to the park and around and back home.
I went to Off Broadway to look at sandals.
Came home and Kent fixed burgers on the grill and I made 1/2 baked potatoes.
Watched a little tv and I was in bed by 7:30.
Didn't sleep well the night before.  Anxiety kept me up.
I slept better last night.  Up at 4:00am this morning and am now
sitting with the dogs and enjoying coffee.

Good Sunday Morning, make it a great day.



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