Popo's paintings and taking pictures of the house~

Brent and Noelle's house and popo's painting.

I have faith that everything will work out...it's hard sometimes, but I know
our hard work will pay off.

Cleaning, cleaning and purging has been my life for the past 3 weeks.
When I was at Kristin's house last Sunday, I took some paintings
that my grandfather painted, for Brent to take to his home.
I asked him which ones he wanted and he said all of them
This one went home with them on Sunday.
They hung it in their living room.
A farm scene from Kansas.
He is my sentimental son.  Loves things from the past and loves his
family so much.
Today we have pictures taken of the inside of our house.
Heather comes at 9:45am and the photographer comes at 10:30.
The house goes on the market on Thursday or Friday.
It has been so much work.
I pray it sells fast and we can move forward with closing on the new house.
Dear God, watch over our house and all who enter it.
Help us keep the house in working order and be able to show it well.
I will plant Joseph on the yard once the sign goes up.
I thank you for Kristin and all she has done to help.
in Jesus name I pray...amen



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