The house is under contract~

Well, we did it...we have our house under contract.
It went on the market Thursday evening and was under contract by
Friday evening.
The first showing was at 10:00am so Kinsley and I loaded up in the car and
drove around the neighborhood.
I thought she would fall asleep, but she just sat in her car seat and looked
out the window.
I am so thankful for all the memories in this house and all the 
spirits and angels that helped us sell it.
Thank you mom and dad, aunt Jeannie, Popo, St. Joseph, God and all the rest
of the angels living, like Kristin.
We still have so much to do to get into the new house, but having this 
house sold is a huge blessing.

The 2nd and 3rd showings we spent at Drew's house.  Much easier than driving
around and keeping Kinsley in her car seat.
The dogs played with Ellie and Zoey and Kent helped Drew move his 
lawn furniture into the backyard.

The evening showing we drove around with the dogs.  We got a Taco Bell burrito and
sat at the park and ate it.
We got a phone call from Heather when we got home and she
came over and went through the contract with us.
It was a tough night sleep as I was excited about the whole process.
I was up at 3:00am and had coffee.

We were to have 9 showings this weekend with maybe more to schedule.
The showings for Saturday are canceled due to the fact that the
house went under contract so quickly.
We will keep the sign up in the yard and will take backup offers
if needed.  The close of this house will be 6/9/2023.
Thank you God, thank you so much for watching over us.



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