Sit and listen to god's voice~

Listen for God’s voice.  He’s has something to say to you.

Ahhhh, waking up with anxiety is the worst.
My stomach is in knots and my mind is wandering.
I need to calm both and I am praying to God for help and support.
You see, we have 3 showings on our house today and I have Kinsley.
It is doable, but I am nervous about what people think of our house.

I will calm my mind and sit and listen to god and know that
he will direct this sell of the house.
I will pick up things and make beds and clean up and pray that the house
will look great and someone will fall in love with it and want
It has been a wonderful house for 31 years.
We have raised 2 boys in it, many dachshunds, 
Went through cancer in this house, made wonderful friends in the neighborhood,
and watched my flowers, trees and gardens grow.

I know this house will sell today.  I know deep down inside that
it will sell this weekend and god and Joseph will play a big part
in the selling of this property.
Thank you god for giving me the strength to make it through this process.
Thank you for giving me patience in finding the beauty in selling this house.
Thank you for my sister, Kent, the boys, Hannah and noelle for helping.
There are parts of mom and dad with me in this house.
There are pieces of artwork that are from friends and relatives that will help
in the showing of this home.
I am so thankful for this opportunity to walk this path.
In Jesus name I pray...amen.


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