The double headed tulip and a feather from dad~


My tulips are finally blooming in the backyard.
This one has 2 tulip heads on 1 stem.
It's beautiful!
I can't wait to see what the other ones look like before we move.

I had Kinsley for the day.  While she took her nap, I cleaned the closet and
reorganized the clothes.
Brent mentioned the other day that clutter gives him anxiety, and I think
I am feeling the same thing.
It has been so good to let go of somethings I have kept through the years.
We as a society forget the things we have and go out and buy more things
to replace the things we forgot we had.  It's a never ending circle of clutter.

Today is Saturday and the cleaning and purging continues.
It is going to be beautiful outside so I hope we can take the puppies for
a walk.

I found a feather in the yard yesterday.  I know it was dad coming to let me know
everything is going to be ok with the sell of the house and the move.
I just wish I had a crystal ball so I could see the future, but I trust
in God's timing and know both he and my dad have a hand in this.
Happy Saturday!!!


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